
Month: July 2023

Cartoon of a computer and textbooks representing earning a medical certification online

Medical Certifications That You Can Earn Online

Starting a healthcare career is a significant decision, and acquiring the relevant medical certifications is a crucial first step. Now more than ever, these certifications are accessible through online programs that can be completed in just a few months or less. They provide an essential foundation for your healthcare journey and the potential to open …

Medical Certifications That You Can Earn Online Read More »

Pre-Medical Students working in hospital setting as medical assistants and scribes

Medical Scribes vs. Medical Assistants: Which is Better for Pre-Medical Students?

Are you a pre-health student aiming to gain invaluable medical experience and secure a rewarding job in the healthcare sector? It’s vital to choose the right path that aligns with your professional goals.  Traditionally, becoming a medical scribe has been viewed as a stepping stone into the medical field. However, we’d like to highlight an …

Medical Scribes vs. Medical Assistants: Which is Better for Pre-Medical Students? Read More »

A male medical assistant smiling at work

How Much Do Medical Assistants Make?

Obtaining an online medical assistant certification (CCMA) is an excellent way for pre-health students to gain valuable hands-on patient experience in a range of clinical settings. This medical certification can be instrumental in setting yourself apart from thousands of other applicants when you apply for medical or PA school. There’s another practical reason to become …

How Much Do Medical Assistants Make? Read More »

Cartoon of students looking at online medical assistant certification courses

What To Look For In A Medical Assistant Certification Program

An online medical assistant certification program offers pre-health students the opportunity to gain essential clinical and patient care skills before pursuing an undergraduate or post-grad health-related degree. The training prepares students for hands-on, patient-facing positions in a variety of hospital and clinical settings. But not all training programs are created equal. Here’s what to consider …

What To Look For In A Medical Assistant Certification Program Read More »

Cartoon of a student earning their NHA certification online

What is NHA Certification?

In the world of healthcare careers, there are certifications for almost everything. This is crucial, as even minor errors or oversights in such an industry can jeopardize patient safety. Consequently, it is essential for every individual working with patients to possess the competence and confidence to provide care securely and effectively. Like specialized degrees, certifications …

What is NHA Certification? Read More »

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